Ing. Karel Jelínek, MBA, LL.M.
Motto: “Unrealistic expectations are premeditated resentments”
Positions: General/Executive Director, Chief Financial/Economic Director, IS/IT Director, HR Director
Year of birth: 1966
Industries: Power engineering, equipment maintenance and repair, investment units (electric equipment, metering and control, mechanical engineering), manufacturing
Languages: Czech, English, Russian
Karel has spent the greater part of his career within the industrial services area for the Czech energy industry, in positions ranging from controller to Division Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer. He has held member and chairman Board of Directors and Managing Director positions, and has further served on several Supervisor Boards, and worked for companies with hundreds of employees and hundreds of million to billion Czech crown turnovers.
He has gradually further broadened his purely technical education to include strategic management and corporate law.
Karel’s forte especially lies in his thorough knowledge of internal corporate relationships, mostly in economy and finance, HR management, ICT and procurement, which is particularly important when implementing ERP systems in mid-sized companies within a range of months, a task he has mastered in his three previous engagements. He always places emphasis on the quality of outputs from the entire process during system implementation, i.e. on transparent reporting for all management levels.
He considers the management of several division by spin-off (merger) projects and participation in a large merger project to be very interesting experience. . In the area of audits, he has cooperated with leaders in the industry on a long-term basis (EY, KPMG).
A unique and unrepeatable experience of note was his involvement in the revitalisation of a long-term loss-making service division at an important time during restoration operations of a major coal-fired power plant after floods.
His achievements include the transformation of an initially small and local company, operating exclusively in measurement and regulation, into a Czech leader in the segment of strategic conventional energy source maintenance.
Karel has recently been intensively engaged in insolvency law, primarily focused on the risks that threaten elected body members during business company management. Using his strong presentation skills, he additionally lectures on those topics at the BL4U Academy.
Karel has implemented projects in the following companies:
- ČEZ ENERGOSERVIS spol. s.r.o.
- MARTIA a.s.
- Teplárna Trmice, a.s.
- Vegacom a.s.
- I&C Energo a.s.